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Use of Box

To use BOX in C, add
#include "box.h"
in your source file(s) and add `-I$(BOX_PREFIX)/include' in the command line in your Makefile.

You should also link your object files with the BOX library to produce an executable, by adding something like `-L$(APRON_PREFIX)/lib -lboxmpq -litvmpq' in the command line in your Makefile (followed by the standard `-lapron -litvmpq -litvdbl -L$(MPFR_PREFIX)/lib -lmpfr -L$(GMP_PREFIX)/lib -lgmp').

There are actually several variants of the library:

The underlying representation for numbers is rationals based on long long int integers. This may cause overflows. These are currently not detected. It requires also the `libitvllr.a' library.
The underlying representations for numbers is double. Overflows are not possible (we use infinite floating numbers), but currently the soundness is not ensured for all operations. It requires also the `libitvdbl.a' library.
The underlying representations for rationams is mpq_t, the multi-precision rationals from the GNU GMP library. Overflows are not possible any more, but huge numbers may appear. It requires also the `libitvmpq.a' library.

Also, all library are available in debug mode (`libboxmpq_debug.a', ...).

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